Saturday, November 21, 2009

Powers's "Modulation" Included in Best American Shorts Stories 2009

Powers's short story, "Modulation," has been selected for this year's issue of Best American Short Stories, edited by Alice Sebold and and Heidi Pitlor. The Wall Street Journal reviewed the anthology today, and a reviewer on noted:

There is one story which rises far above the others, due to the writer's craftsmanship: Richard Powers' "Modulation". Powers mixes together a variety of dissimilar characters scattered around the globe and ties them all together with a science fiction storyline that conveys the power and importance of music in the present day. Powers has excellent command of the English language and keen observational skills, and it is hard to imagine how this story could be any better than it is.

1 comment:

John Miller said...

"He lies still in the ravishing dark, listening to a need as big as lust or hunger, an urge with no reason on earth ever to have evolved." This short story is itself an "Ohrwurm" ("ear worm") and lingers in one's mind - first at a subsonic levels. MUST READ!