Thursday, October 30, 2008

Richard Powers on YouTube: Ninth Letter piece

A lyrical video piece by Ninth Letter, with Powers reading from Time of Our Singing. From Ninth Letter's posting on YouTube about the video:

To celebrate both Powers' literary accomplishments and his contributions to the University of Illinois, the Provost's Office commissioned production of five short video works, each of which interprets a passage from one of Richard Powers' novels -- The Goldbug Variations, Galatea 2.2, Plowing the Dark, The Time of our Singing, and The Echo Maker. The videos are a collaborative endeavor between Powers and a group of artists and designers from the School of Art + Design.

Over the next several months will publish all five video works. This interpretation based on The Time of Our Singing is the first installment.

1 comment:

Chuck said...

Thanks for posting this video. I notice from the YouTube page that it was posted a year ago. Do you know if the followup pieces are still being produced?